Friday, September 27, 2013

UHN Utilized Smart-Rig Crane T1 Model for Patient Care

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, UHN: CEAL procured the T1 Electric Model Smart-Rig Crane to move various loads (e.g. 400 lb treadmill, 300 lb turntable, etc) in and out of a confined space room designed for rehabiliting patients. The Challenging Environment Assessment Laboratory (CEAL) will be one of the most advanced rehabilitation research facilities in the world and will serve to unite first-class scientists and innovators.

The Smart-Rig Crane also comes as the S1 model which is fully battery powered and rated at 2400 lbs. Both cranes fit through a doorway when compact and inside elevators to transfer around medical buildings and jobsites which make them ideal for maintenance and repairs inside, outside or on roof tops to raise HVAC units ducts or pipe or materials. Hospitals, medical facilities, test labs, rehab centers and more, besides renovations, have been finding the cranes to help daily lifting twisting during applications, lifting heavy objects in tight spaces, saving them time and money and helping to rehabilitate patients quicker, and easier.

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